Playtime is an important part of your baby’s learning and development. The more time you allow your baby to play, the more practice they have with new movements and skills. It is also an opportunity to build a stronger bond with your baby.
Playtime for newborns can be interacting with games and toys. It should also be a time to encourage talking, touching, listening, and interaction between you and your baby. Singing and reading stories are wonderful ways to play with your baby too.
Benefits of playtime
Spread playtime throughout the day. There are many benefits for your baby such as:
Building confidence in their body movements
Understanding and recognising emotions
Developing social skills, language, and communication
Learning to care for others
Developing physical skills
- Reaching, grasping, pushing and pulling
- Strengthening neck and upper body muscles needed to hold their head up and move around.
Feeling loved, happy, and safe
Always watch babies while they play, as they can move quickly once they develop new skills. Keep the following in mind during play and tummy time:
Remove any dangerous hazards from your baby’s reach
Keep a close eye on pets
Pick up any small objects that your baby could put into their mouth