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  • Take good care of your health during pregnancy
    Take good care of your health during pregnancy
  • Healthy eating is important during pregnancy - for both you and your baby...
    Healthy eating is important during pregnancy for both...
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Healthy Pregnancy

Eating healthy and staying active is important during or when you are planning a pregnancy to give your baby the best start to life. At this time, healthy eating helps you to feel energetic and provides your baby with essential nutrients.  

The Get Healthy in Pregnancy is a free NSW Government service for all pregnant women in NSW. Professional phone-based health coaches support you to develop motivation and tools to help you stay healthy during your journey from pregnancy to birth and beyond.

het healthy in pregnancy service

Knowing what to look out for during your pregnancy and what to avoid can help provide your baby with the nutrition needs for…

If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, taking care of yourself has never been more important.

Preparing for a new baby can be both an exciting and frightening time, especially if it is your first.


Three steps to your healthy pregnancy
Keeping healthy during pregnancy starts with a few simple steps.
Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five | TED
What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?
Get Healthy in Pregnancy - Christine's Experience
Christine tells us how the Get Healthy in Pregnancy coach helped her to be healthier for her and her baby.

Tools & Community Services