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Knowing what to look out for during your pregnancy and what to avoid can help provide your baby with the nutrition needs for healthy development.

Vaccinations in Pregnancy: Vaccinations are the most important thing that you can do to protect yourself and your baby against harmful infectious diseases.  

Pregnancy-Related Health Issues: Taking care of yourself is important. Existing health conditions should be discussed with your GP alongside potential pregnancy-related health issues.

Smoking and Other Drugs in Pregnancy: Smoking is one of the most preventable risk factors that can cause pregnancy complications. Find support services to help quit smoking or substance use.

Alcohol and Pregnancy: There is no safe level of alcohol use during pregnancy. Knowing the risk of alcohol consumption and tips to stay alcohol-free can be helpful for both you and your partner.

Maternity Care Options: Knowing where to start your health care journey when or during your pregnancy can be overwhelming. Find an appropriate service near you to meet your needs.



There is no safe level of alcohol use during pregnancy.

Smoking during pregnancy is the most common preventable risk factor that causes pregnancy complications.

In Australia, there are many different care options for you and your baby in pregnancy.

Vaccinations are the most important thing that you can do to protect you and your baby against harmful infectious diseases.