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  • First 2000 Days
    The First 2000 Days Framework outlines the importance of..
  • Healthy Food & Drinks for Kids
    Find some helpful tips to achieve a healthy lifestyle
  • healthy ageing growing healthy communities
    Healthy Ageing
Growing Healthy Communities

SWS at a glance

Based on 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistic Census

Ensuring children maintain a healthy weight as they grow is very important.

The Health Promotion Service works with communities across South West Sydney to encourage healthy ageing.

Healthy and happy families are at the heart of every strong community.

It is important to find as many ways as possible to be active...

The Growing Healthy Kids Team in South West Sydney brings  key stakeholders and community members together to support a piece of…


Falls Prevention - Getting Up from the Floor
Helping seniors to stay active and healthy in South Western Sydney
Falls Prevention - Continence
Strategies for managing your continence
Falls Prevention - Vision
How to manage vision limitations to reduce risk of falling
Falls Prevention - Strength and Balance Exercises
How to stay strong and maintain your balance
Falls Prevention - Moving Safely
How to get out and about safely
Falls Prevention - Medications
How to better manage your medications to reduce risk of falls
Falls Prevention - Vitamin D & Calcium
Vitamin D, sunlight and calcium are important in reducing the risk of falling
Falls Prevention - Physical Activity and Exercise Safety
How to stay active and reduce the risk of a fall
Falls Prevention - Home Hazards
Hazards in the home environment and what you can do about them
Falls Prevention - Safe Footwear
What to look for when selecting footwear for seniors
Introducing Falls Prevention
Helping seniors to stay active and healthy in South Western Sydney
Everyday Cooking Week 6 - QUESADILLAS
Everyday Cooking Week 6 - QUESADILLAS
Everyday Cooking Week 5 - BEEF CURRY
Everyday Cooking Week 5 - BEEF CURRY
Everyday Cooking Week 4 - APPLE AND CARROT PIKELETS
Everyday Cooking Week 4 - APPLE AND CARROT PIKELETS
Everyday Cooking Week 3 - NOODLE STIR FRY
Everyday Cooking Week 3 - NOODLE STIR FRY
Everyday Cooking Week 2 - LENTIL SOUP
Everyday Cooking Week 2 - LENTIL SOUP
Everyday Cooking Week 1 - SPANISH RICE
Everyday Cooking Week 1 - SPANISH RICE

Tools & Community Services

KeepActive want to help people and families connect with their local community and encourage more people to get active.