Supplementing your Diet
Eating a healthy balanced diet will help you get the vitamins you need, so taking a multivitamin during pregnancy may not be necessary. There are some nutrients that are recommended during pregnancy:
Folate is needed for the growth and development of your baby, it is especially important in the month before you fall pregnancy and the first three months of pregnancy. If you are planning a pregnancy you should eat a variety of folate containing foods (including green leafy vegetables cereals fruit and nuts) and also take a folic acid supplement at least one month before getting pregnant.
Iodine is essential for your baby’s growth and brain development. All bread (except organic bread) has iodine added. A higher amount of iodine is needed during pregnancy and breastfeeding so you may need to take a supplement.
Talk to your GP or health professional who can advise you of your specific needs.
For more information see the Pregnancy Birth & Baby website
[Source: Pregnancy Birth & Baby; QLD Health]
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