Active Travel
Active Travel is any activity where human energy is spent to travel, such as:
The benefits of active travel include:
Reduced impact on the environment,
Increasing physical activity by including it into your daily routine,
Improved health and wellbeing,
Improved concentration and readiness to learn,
Greater independence and resilience,
Less traffic congestion around schools,
Opportunities to socialise with others.
Ways to encourage Active Travel
Review the resources available for schools and communities to promote Active Travel
Check what strategy your child’s school has in place for active travel and if they have an active travel plan
Quick safety tips
Always make sure your child is wearing an approved helmet when riding or skating to and from school. Ensure it fits properly and fastened. - check here on how to correctly fit a helmet
Double check the bike or scooter is safe for use – no broken wheels, handlebars or frame, brakes work, and the size is correct.
Walk or ride alongside them to check if the path is safe and to practice being a safe rider.
Never too old to be safe – check out the resources below:
Ride a bicycle safely
When can I let my child travel to and from school independently?
[Source: NSW Government. Healthy Kids, Road Safety Transport NSW]
Related pages
Keeping Active
Girls Keeping Active
Active Hobbies
Local Opportunities
Active Kids Vouchers