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Vaccinations are the most important thing that you can do to protect you and your baby against harmful infectious diseases.  

Please consult your GP when planning your vaccinations as some can be given at the same time and others need to be spaced out.

Vaccinations (Pre-Pregnancy)

If you are planning to have a baby, make sure your vaccinations are up to date before you fall pregnant. To check your immunity to some serious diseases, book an appointment with your GP to have a blood test. You can then see if you are protected against diseases such as Rubella, Chicken Pox and Hepatitis B.   

For more information, please visit the Australian immunisation handbook

Vaccinations (Pregnancy)

While pregnant, you need protection against infectious diseases as these can cause harm to you and your baby. 

The influenza and whooping cough (pertussis) vaccines are free during pregnancy. Book an appointment with your local GP to receive these vaccines. 

Influenza vaccine:  

The influenza vaccine is recommended during any stage of your pregnancy. Protecting yourself against influenza will also protect your baby. They will receive antibodies from you, that transfer to your baby in the placenta. This vaccine is important, as babies under 6 months can't be vaccinated against the flu. 

Getting this vaccine during pregnancy will reduce the chance of hospitalisation. It will also help reduce the impacts of any respiratory type illnesses.  

For more information on the flu vaccine and pregnancy, please read: Protecting your baby against influenza starts when you’re pregnant.  

Whooping cough (Pertussis) vaccine:  

The whooping cough vaccine is recommended between 20 and 32 weeks pregnant. Yet, this vaccine can be given up until the time of delivery. Like the flu vaccine, the whooping cough vaccine will supply protection to your baby in the womb. The antibodies they get will protect them from whooping cough until six weeks old. At six weeks, they will receive their first round of immunisations.   

Parents, grandparents and regular carers of your baby should also receive a whooping cough booster.  

For more detailed information on the whooping cough vaccine, please read: Protect your baby from whooping cough. 

COVID-19 vaccine: 

Pregnant women should be vaccinated against COVID-19. This vaccine can be given at any stage of pregnancy. Getting this vaccine during pregnancy will help reduce the risk of hospitalisation. It will also reduce the impacts of the virus on your health if you do contract COVID-19 while pregnant. 

For more information on COVID-19 vaccinations in pregnancy, please visit: 

National Immunisation Schedule

For more information on routine immunisations for all people, please visit: National Immunisation Program Schedule.  

[Raising Children Network, 2022; Department of Health, 2022; RANZCOG, 2022; Pregnancy, Birth & Baby, 2021.]