Screen Time for Teens
Screen time among teens is very common. Computers, tablets and other devices are useful and necessary for schoolwork. However, it is important to create healthy screen time habits outside of school hours.
Spending too much time on screens can lead to:
Poor posture
Eye strain
Weight gain
Sleep problems
Mood changes
Poor concentration
Missing out on new experiences
How much screen time is too much?
Top tips for reducing screen time
Balance screen time with other activities like reading, exercise and spending time with friends.
Here are a few other suggestions:
Set reminders to stretch during long periods of sitting still and using screens
Avoid using screens during the day when time can be spent outside instead
Keep mealtimes screen-free
Keep screens out of bedrooms, especially at night
Check out the Active Hobbies section for alternatives to screen time.
When using screens, choose programs and apps that:
Encourage creativity
Practise problem solving
Help develop communication skills
Improve social skills
Give positive messages about relationships, family and life
Create interest in new topics
Set some rules as a family and be a role model for healthy screen usage.
[Source: Raising Children Network; Queensland Health; Healthy Kids; Department Of Health 24hour Movement Guidelines]
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The Active Kids program provides two $100 vouchers per schoolchild each year.