Managing Labour Pain
Labour and the experience of pain during labour are different for each person. While fear and tension are normal, relaxation techniques, movement, and trusting your body, play a big role in helping manage your pain.
It is important for you to talk with your midwife or doctor about your preferences, so that your chosen pain management plan supports your overall birth plan. Also, staying flexible and open to changes during labour is important, as births can be unpredictable. Your midwife will guide and support you based on your choices during labour.
A supportive birth environment, trust in the birthing team, and a well-communicated birth plan helps to a have positive birthing experience, regardless of the chosen pain management method.
Natural Pain Relief
Natural pain relief methods are often preferred by those looking to avoid medical interventions. Techniques such as staying active, using hot packs, birthing balls, birthing mats, birthing stool, massage, showers, breathing techniques and music provide a holistic and less medicated approach to pain management.
Many of our hospitals allow women to labour and birth in a bath for relaxation and pain management. Talk to a midwife or doctor to see if waterbirth is a possibility for you.
Assisted Non-Medical Pain Relief
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machine works by stimulating the body to produce more of its own natural painkillers, called endorphins. It reduces the number of pain signals that are sent to the brain by the spinal cord. TENS has been shown to be most effective if used during the early stages of labour when many women experience lower back pain. There are no known side effects for either you or the baby. You will need to hire or buy a machine if this is an option for you.
Sterile water injections are a form of natural pain relief for women experiencing back pain during labour. The injections may cause a brief stinging sensation as they go in. Sterile water injections work for most women and can last for up to two hours. The benefits of sterile water injections are that that they often have an immediate effect, there is no effect on your baby, they can be repeated several times if you find they are working, and you can still walk around and be active in labour.
For More information:
- Having a baby book - English 2016 - Labour and Birth
- Pain relief labour childbirth pamphlet (ranzcog.edu.au)
- Pain relief during labour | Raising Children Network
- ANZCA | Pain relief and having a baby
- Childbirth - pain relief options - Better Health Channel
- Non-medical pain relief during labour | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
- Pain relief during labour | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
- Using TENS for labour pain | Physiotherapy | Mater Mothers - YouTube
- https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/epidural
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