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You should start to feel baby movements between 16 and 24 weeks of your pregnancy and these will continue right up until birth. Movements may feel like flutters, kicks, stretches, rolls, and even hiccups.  Every baby is different and will establish their own 'normal' pattern of movement by around 28 weeks. It could be that your baby will move lots at night, right before you go to bed, or this may happen straight after lunch.

As you get to know your baby’s movement pattern, take note of when and how much movement is normal for you and your baby. Your baby will have active times and rest times throughout the day. There is no set number of normal movements. 

Monitoring Baby’s Movements 

Monitoring movement is a very important way of checking your baby’s health. Regular movement shows that your baby is well. Any changes to the normal pattern can be a cause for concern. If you are worried that your baby is not moving as much or as strongly as normally, please contact your hospital's Birth Unit. 

checking baby's movement



foetal movement myths

Getting Checked Out

If you are concerned about baby's movements, call or come into hospital at any time. Staff are available 24/7 to care for you and your baby. Common checks include:

  • check baby's heartbeat
  • measure baby's growth
  • blood tests
  • ultrasound scan

Most of the time, this will reassure you that baby is well and you will be able to go home from the hospital within 1-2 hours. If you are still concerned after you return home or the next day, please contact the hospital again.

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