Healthy Eating on a Budget
Having good nutritious food every day helps the whole family keep their bodies and minds strong and healthy. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive, but it usually requires some planning and preparation.
If you plan out your meals and snacks, you can use similar vegetables and other ingredients to make sure you don’t waste any food. Prepare meals and snacks at home to save money instead of buying food when you're out. Check out the Healthy Eating Active Living website for useful shopping tips.
Other Money Saving Tips:
Grow your own herbs and vegetables. They taste better and save you money.
Use refillable water bottles and save money on buying drinks.
Instead of meeting up with friends at a café, take a walk together, visit a park or invite them over and have coffee at home.
The Australian Government has a free app and online resources that can help you to track your spending, giving you ideas on how to cut back and reduce your costs. Click here for more information.
Find Out More About Budgeting And Making The Most Of Your Food using The Links Below:
Storage do’s and don’ts. Get the most out of your food and waste less (Victorian Government)
Fight Food Waste (OzHarvest)