Munch & Move
Munch & Move is an NSW Health initiative that supports the healthy development of children birth to 5 years by promoting physical activity, healthy eating and reduced small screen time.
The Munch & Move program provides free training, resources and support for early childcare educators working in preschools, long day care, occasional care and family care services across NSW through promoting these 6 key messages:
1. Encourage and support breastfeeding
2. Choose water as a drink
3. Eat more fruit and vegetables
4. Choose healthier snacks
5. Get active each day
6. Turn off the screen and get active
Why do we need Munch & Move?
Early childhood is a great time for kids to develop and practice healthy habits. Children across South-Western Sydney spend a lot of time in care settings, and this makes it a great place to promote healthy eating and physical activity.
How to get involved?
Childcare services that are involved in the Munch & Move program receive:
· Ongoing support from a local Munch & Move support officer
· Practical resources to support active play and healthy eating.
· High-quality professional development training.
· Support to develop and implement policies and practices that promote physical activity and healthy eating for children within the service.
· Family-focused support materials that provide simple, practical tips and ideas to engage children in active play and healthy eating.
In South Western Sydney, 92% of childcare services are trained in the Munch & Move program. You might like to ask your local early childcare service if they are involved in Munch & Move!
If you are seeking local implementation support for an early childhood and care service located in South Western Sydney, please e-mail: SWSLHD-MunchAndMove@health.nsw.gov.au
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District have put together a 2023 Munch & Move calendar which includes events and activities relevant to early childhood services. Check it out here