What are the goals of the First 2000 Days framework?
The First 2000 Days framework is broken down in 3 goals with associated strategies on how to take action with children, families and parents to be to reduce the risk of early death, chronic diseases and illnesses that are currently driving up demand for acute health services.
GOAL 1: Informed Decision For Building Brains
Objective: All staff in the NSW health system should understand and promote the importance of the first 2000 days and identify best opportunities for action.
- Ensuring access to consistent and accurate information (including tools and resources - like the GHK Website!) on the First 2000 Days.
- Understanding how to use the First 2000 Days information to improve lives
GOAL 2: Child And Family-Centred Support And Services For All
Objective: The NSW health system provides care to all and works in partnership to promote health, wellbeing, capacity and resilience during the first 2000 days.
- Provide high quality, comprehensive antenatal care so that everyone can make informed decisions about their children’s health and wellbeing.
- Ensure antenatal care includes evidence-based screening and assessment.
- Ensure a seamless transition from maternity to child and family health services in partnership with general practice.
- Encourage attendance at the recommended schedule of health checks and screenings to support optimal development of children.
- Work collaboratively across government to promote supportive environments to enable everyone to make healthy choices and have healthy lifestyles.
GOAL 3: Evidence-Based, Informed And Integrated Care For The Vulnerable
Objective: The NSW health system provides additional services for those who need specialised help, when they need it.
- Ensure that children identified as developmentally at risk receive early, integrated assessment and intervention services.
[Source: NSW Ministry Of Health 2021 First 2000 Days Implementation Strategy 2020-2025 ISBN 978-1-76081-5479]
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